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Introductory pages

A chronicled history of the Klitz family

Bob, the family archivist collected all the photographs and memorabilia of past generations and created the family Tree from this information. Cousin Ann has put it all together in files, on CD and now on Web Pages for the archives. We both hope it will reach other relatives in our continued search for more information. Read more about it in Bob's Foreword to these pages

Bob, and I met with Margaret for the first time to look at some of Bob's collection. Margaret, Tony's wife was able to join us during her short holiday from home in Dublin. Margaret supplied us with yet more information, which she recalled as each new piece of memorabilia was revealed!

Our earliest knowledge of the Klitz genealogical line we believe extends back to Ludwig Heinrich (14 May 1697 - 05 October 1769), but we start our historical trees with his son, Johann Christoph, who is the father of Georg Philipp because the records are more certain from that time.

The early family were musical and able to play several instruments but especially the piano. Several members were also composers and conductors. Georg Philipp started a travelling piano repair service which became a piano business in Lymington. More details at the Piano Business link.

We know there are still relations in Germany and it would be very pleasing to make contact with any of the descendents in that country who still carry on this family Klitz name. Klitz has been a popular name in Germany and there are no doubt many hereditary family lines with the same name, yet are not related. There are Klitz families in the USA, and there are some with whom we are in contact, but to which we do not actually have a confirmed connection.

In this year 2020, there is only one male member able to continue the Klitz line. Simon, Bob's son has no children. Sadly Tony Klitz's son Stephen has died and was not married.
In the German Tree, Werner's son, Christopher Heinrich should also be able to continue the name, but I have no further information about him. There may also be other German male relations with sons but we have no details of any of those.

The family are deeply indebted to the late Mr. Frank Warren of Portsmouth, who with great patience dedicated much time to research on the Klitz family in all the local papers and Government Census etc.
It must also be said, that without the records of the Hampshire newspapers a good deal of the information about the early members of the line would not be available.
Some information has also been obtained from the Lymington Museum, the Hampshire Record Office and Ancestry.co.uk

Read some history written by Bob's brother, Bill - Family History

We hope you enjoy the read. If you happen to think you might be related in any way to this Klitz Family Tree, or have any information to add we would be pleased to hear from you.

We would also be glad to hear any news from the family, however distant the connection. Please send an email with any details you might wish to supply using the link from the links bar at the top of any page.


Latest news about Amelia Phoebe

Please don't forget to keep looking at the Klitz Tree diagrams for the latest updates.

You will find Guide Notes to this website under the Tree!
Edited and designed by
Ann Jayne Perrett, née Klitz